5 Under $500 Leadership Courses for Professionals

31 Dec 2018 Posted in ⟨For Business Leaders⟩

There’s no doubt that we’d all like to become better leaders in the workplace. However, we are often stopped by two things: the belief that leadership comes with job title and the often exorbitant price of leadership training.

Although there are many prominent leaders who possess senior job titles, the truth is that anyone can lead. According to John Maxwell, “true leadership is about being able to achieve results whilst building teams and developing people to their highest potential,” and this can be achieved no matter what level you are working at in an organisation.

As to the often exorbitant price of leadership training, this does not always have to be the case as we have compiled 5 world-class leadership programmes for professionals delivered by The John Maxwell Co that cost under $500 when used in conjunction with SkillsFuture credits.

If you’ve always thought about refining your leadership style and levelling up your leadership skills, now is the time to act. Sign up to one of these courses as they are all currently being offered at a promotional price with discounts of up to 35%.

1. 5 Levels of Leadership

“Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Leadership isn’t just something that you do – it is an entire field of study that contains many parts which can be understood and progressively applied to lead more effectively and create more impact.

Based on John C. Maxwell’s best-selling book, “The 5 Levels of Leadership,” this course will introduce you to each of the 5 levels of leadership (position, permission, production, people development and pinnacle), help you discover which level you are currently operating at and equip you with a step-by-step action plan to cultivate new leadership skills and progress through to higher levels of leadership.

Duration: 7 Hours / Full-time
Price: $620.60
Promotional Offer: $406.60

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2. The 360° Leader

“The true measure of leaders is not the number of people who serve them, but the number of people they serve.”

Want to start gaining influence as a leader? Regardless of the position that you work at your organisation, all forms of leadership start with practising effective self-leadership.

Based on John C. Maxwell’s book “The 360° Leader,” this course will help you to assess and improve your relationships with other leaders, create winning outcomes by maximising your influence and peer relationships, and cultivate environments where all participants are empowered to practise 360° leadership themselves.

Duration: 7 Hours / Full-time
Normal Price: $620.60
Promotional Offer: $406.60

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3. Accelerating Teamwork

“One is too small a number to achieve greatness.”

No matter what your goals are in the workplace, there is one thing that is certain: you cannot achieve them all on your own. But if you are to work with a team, what do you have to do to ensure that it is a successful one? And how might you go about collaborating with them?

Based on two of John C. Maxwell’s foundational books on teamwork, “The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork” and “The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player,” Accelerating Teamwork will teach you the underlying value of teamwork and how it impacts organisational success, strategies for reinvigorating stagnant teams and how to develop growth plans that foster both individual development and team productivity.

Duration: 7 hours
Price: $620.60
Promotional Offer: $406.60

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4. 5 Strategies To Win With People

“Successful leadership is about 90% people knowledge and 10% product knowledge.”

It isn’t easy to win an audience over given that people naturally think and act in different ways. Fortunately, the process of being comfortable with working with others starts with being comfortable with ourselves.

Based on John C. Maxwell’s two books, “Winning With People” and “25 Ways to Win with People,” this course will teach you how to connect with people of different personalities and generational backgrounds, encourage win-win situations, confront others in a healthy manner and break down communication barriers to listen effectively. This course will also empower you to dive deep within yourself by bringing you face-to-face with your personal truths through a self-assessment called The Mirror Principle.

Duration: 7 hours
Price: $620.60
Promotional Offer: $406.60

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5. Living The Laws of Leadership

“Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.”

Like many other aspects of life, leadership is founded upon a set of laws, which if learnt, can be applied and utilised to achieve greater outcomes.

Based on John C. Maxwell’s favourite leadership resources, “Developing the Leader Within You” and “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,” Living The Laws of Leadership will teach you the four leadership disciplines, tools to uncover what intrinsically motivates those you lead, how to effectively lead yourself and others, and a 5-step process to mentor high potentials in your team. In addition, you will develop an action plan to integrate the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership into your life.

Duration: 14 hours
Price: $963.00
Promotional Offer: $695.50

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If you’ve always wanted to foster your leadership skills and develop into an effective leader, put your SkillsFuture credits to use and sign up for a course today! To find out more about SkillsFuture credit and how to claim yours, click here.

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