
Podcast: The LHUB Conversations - The Buzz Surrounding Tourism

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27 May 2024 Posted in ⟨Podcasts⟩

Featured guest: Lee Shi Ruh, President, Resorts World Sentosa (RWS)

The tourism landscape is rapidly evolving. In NTUC LearningHub’s latest Industry Insights report on Tourism, 57% of tourism leaders perceive that existing employees lack the depth of skills needed to meet changing trends. However, only about half of tourism leaders (48%) have provided their employees with tourism related training.

In this episode, we are joined by Ms Lee Shi Ruh, President, Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) who shares her invaluable expertise on emerging trends and sustainability strategies for navigating the challenges facing the tourism sector. From cutting-edge innovations to responsible tourism practices, this episode will broaden your horizons and inspire you to explore the tourism industry with a fresh perspective.